CTLA 100 Club



The more members and tickets purchased each month...

...The higher the prize money won each month

The CTLA Club 100 draw has been running for many years to help in our efforts for fundraising. All monies raised helps against the cost of maintaining and running the community transport services, operation and network across East Sussex. The Club 100 draw enables us to raise essential funds and at the same time offer something back in terms of a cash prize. We hope you will become a Club 100 member. The more paid-up members, the bigger the cash prizes.

This Month's 100 Club Winners...

1st Prize

Dionne V £50

2nd Prize 

Nikki G £25

3rd Prize

Joan H £15


CTLA Community Transport is licensed to run small society lotteries, such as 100 Club, with Lewes District Council. We will hold members details securely according to strict GDPR regulations. CTLA is a fully registered independent charity no: 1110215; Registered company no: 04409570; VAT no: 730103006


Breaking News...

Support our charity and be in with a chance to win with our 100 club!
You can now sign up for £2.50 a month per number & if you pay for the years draws up front you get a FREE number into the monthly prize draw.
Why not sign up today to support CTLA and maybe pocket a bit of extra cash……….

Payments made by Standing Order & Winnings via BACS.
Contact the office on 01273 517332 for more information.

Help us to help others...

If you would like to support the great work carried out by CTLA community transport and travel across East Sussex… and also be in with a chance of winning cash in our monthly lottery… Why not join the CTLA 100 Club?

For more details call our office on 01273 517332 Mondays to Fridays between 8.00 am and 2pm.

For over 20 years our community transport & volunteers have helped people stay independent, participate in their communities & access services locally. Supporting people who feel isolated and remote, connecting people on our days out, supporting local groups & charities with transport. We receive no statutory funding & rely on the generosity of supporters to enable us to keep life moving.

By joining CTLA 100 club not only will you be supporting your community, but you will also have the chance to be one of three monthly winners!

How Club 100 Works...

Buy as many tickets you want for the monthly draw… The more tickets, the greater your chances of winning.

Each 100 Club ticket is purchased for the monthly draw and costs £2.50 paid either monthly by direct debit, or for the whole year… And you get a 2 free tickets bonus if paid annually.

CTLA sends you your ticket number(s) on receipt of your payment…From thereon each month, hopefully you’re drawn a winner!

Each member of the 100 Club is assigned a personal number(s)… which remains your number(s) and your numbers are entered into the Club 100 draw each month.

The top prize estimates shown opposite are based on 100 members… The winning figures will be reduced on a smaller membership and increased on a higher membership.

The CTLA  Club 100 draw is made the first week of each month… the winners are contacted, and the draw is also posted on our website, or you can call the office for an update.